Thursday, September 16, 2010

my studio

This is what my studio looks like at the moment which is rather sad. A little desk and a few shelves would help...It feels like my creativity is piled somewhere at the bottom.

No właśnie, tak teraz wygląda moja pracownia, co bynajmniej nie wpływa na mnie bardzo twórczo. Marzę o małym biureczku i o kilku półkach.


holly said...

it will be beautiful soon I bet - the loveliness and personality of a studio develops naturally and I'm sure yours will look superb!

Anonymous said...

oh my! i think i see it - under the bubble wrap, on the bottom left! you need to take it out and give it some fresh air!

kasia said...

yes. it think i should definately rescue my creativity from under the bubble wrap and everything will look better then!:)